Friday, October 27, 2006

We're bloggin' now!

For years I've heard and seen people's blogs and never bothered with my own, but now I'm trying it for the first time! I thought I'd make a family website to keep those of you near or far connected to our lives.

At this time, Nolan is 4 months old and growing so quickly! He's the joy of our lives. You can visit his own website at for more on what he's up to and also see pictures and videos.

Jill is still doing nails and just got honored with one of her Nailpro Magazine covers being made into a poster. It can be seen on Nailpro's website it's #202 Lady in Red. Order your own copy and I'll autograph it for you!

Pretty neat to think that her work will be on the walls of salons all over the world!

Well, that's it for now, I'll do my best to keep you up to date as often as possible!